Some of you have read my wife's blog where she posted recently about infertility and adoption. I've never posted anything online about that until now:
God forgot to run His schedule by me for approval. Turns out He has His own timetable. I’m supposed to be a Dad right now according to my plans, but I’m not. My wife and I have been married over 8 years now. And for over half our marriage we have desired to have children. I did not realize the pain involved with infertility. I had seen people go through this, but did not understand the depth of their pain. My wife and I began walking that road together, and it’s been a tough one. We have both worked through bitterness and shame. I thought we deserved a child because we had done everything right. We both signed True Love Waits cards in high school and stayed true to our commitments. We had surrendered our lives to ministry and to follow God wherever he takes us. I have learned that God is not obligated to bless us. And that I tend to be concerned with one or two blessings I lack and forget the infinite blessings He has granted already. And mostly, I have learned that He does not abandon us in our pain and bitterness; even when it is towards Him. He continues to hold us and mold us. He is near us. His love is more faithful than the sun and rain. He is in control. We are at His mercy. And He is a loving father.
You guys have an awesome love for people and each other! I'm excited about the journey He is calling you to!
Thank you Daniel! I've been feeling so lonely lately but you've reminded me that my blessings in life are exactly as God has planned them. I'm praying God's perfect plan falls into place for Emily and you with your adoption. Thanks again for reminding me that this journey has nothing to do with me and EVERYTHING to do with Christ and that He died on a cross so that we can spend eternity with Him!!
wow, powerful post.Love ya both!
We too have been thru the same struggles and lost 4 babies--a set of twins and 2 others due to miscarriages. We know that even though we don't have children to have and hold that God still loves us and has definite plans for our lives. Hang in there!!! Continue to praise and love Him and listen for His still small voice to guide you. Remember to thank Him for even the smallest blessings. We love you!!!
Susan and Larry Ruebel
We too have been thru the same struggles and lost 4 babies--a set of twins and 2 others due to miscarriages. We know that even though we don't have children to have and hold that God still loves us and has definite plans for our lives. Hang in there!!! Continue to praise and love Him and listen for His still small voice to guide you. Remember to thank Him for even the smallest blessings. We love you!!!
Susan and Larry Ruebel
Thank you for sharing, and thank you for your songs. Blessed is the One has helped me a lot...we've struggled with miscarriages and infertility for 2 years (we've been married less than 4). Thank you for being vulnerable enough to share.
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